The Conference on Diversity in Engineering (CDE), an annual 3-day conference sponsored by the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES), aims to develop knowledge surrounding the variety of individuals, cultures and perspectives found within engineering communities. This annual conference has been held since 2015 at universities across Ontario and Quebec. This year’s host was The University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario.
The UBC Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) regularly sponsors individuals to attend engineering student conferences around Canada and the US. Amber Donnelly (they/she), a 5th year Engineering Physics student, was one of 8 people selected to attend CDE this year.

Amber is third from right (seated)
Over the 3 days of programming, Amber attended sessions on:
- Accessibility
- EngiQueers Canada
- What it’s like to be an Indigenous Student
- Culture Change and Entrepreneurship
- Allyship in Action
- and Technological Stewardship
And connected with students from across Canada learning about the groups, movements and strategies at other universities.

Amber in forefront.
Amber: “Engineering is a discipline that is built on a strong foundation of tradition, for better and for worse. It’s refreshing to be reminded that there are so many students across the country who are motivated to ensure that the engineering profession, from university through to industry, is an accepting and equitable space, and that we as engineers are equipped to serve the diversity of needs in our communities.”
Amber is excited to bring the spirit of the conference back to UBC and apply it in initiatives such as Gears and Queers within the engineering faculty.
Amber thanks the EUS and Engineering Physics for their support.